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Eight tips for dealing with international data transfers without Privacy Shield

  As first published on  BH Consulting   For many organisations, the international transfer of data is essential to running their business and the recent CJEU ruling (also called  Schrems ruling ) will have had a significant impact on organisations operating outside the EEA. This is the first in a series of blogs exploring what this decision means for you. BH Consulting  will analyse the recent guidance given to businesses by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and translate it into practical recommendations your business must consider today to remain GDPR compliant. The blog series will be followed by a free webinar with our data protection experts. To register please follow this  link . On July 16, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) ruled that the agreement to allow data transfers between the EU and the United States, known as  Privacy Shield, is no longer valid . This decision did not come out of the blue. It dates back to 2013 when Edward Snowden revealed the PRISM programm

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